
turgut's blog

Tataristan, Rusya Federasyonu'nun bir parçası olan yaklaşık 4 milyon nüfuslu bir cumhuriyettir. Rusya'da Volga Federal Bölgesi'ne dahildir. Başkent Kazan şehridir. Temmuz 2013'te cumhuriyette öğrencilere yönelik dünya spor oyunları "Universitede - 2013" düzenlendi. Tataristan topraklarında çok sayıda tarihi ve kültürel anıt bulunmaktadır, çünkü Cumhuriyet turistlerin ziyaret etmesi için cazip bir destinasyondur.

Tatar Hava Taşımacıları

Yolcu hava taşımacılığı iki Tatar Havayolları tarafından gerçekleştirilmektedir: "Tataristan Air Company" ve "Ak Bars Aero". Bu hava taşıyıcılarının faaliyetleri sayesinde, başkent Kazan'a yalnızca Rusya'nın herhangi bir yerinden değil, aynı zamanda BDT ülkelerinden ve yurt dışından da direkt uçuşlarla ulaşmak mümkün.


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Today's Health Dosa aims to provide useful information to parents and more, about the body's immunity!


It is the body's ability to defend itself against viruses, bacteria, toxins and parasites. When does children's immunity stabilize? Around the age of 11–12!


Immunity develops up to the age of 8, and up to this age children can get sick frequently. The most common are respiratory viral infections, which can affect a healthy child even with 8-10 episodes annually.


Yes! We can help our children to form a healthy immunity, through an optimal supply of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are a useful support for the immune system.

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Sparrows are one of the bird species best adapted to humanity's change.


Sparrows are one of the bird species that best adapt to humanity's change. Despite this, their population has been decreasing rapidly in recent years. When England found that it had lost 68% of its sparrows, it began to conduct research in London parks to protect the species. Indians created World Sparrow Day to draw the world's attention to this extinction. Every year on March 20, the whole world takes action for these little creatures. In our country, Doğa Association has been organizing events within the scope of World Sparrow Day with the support of nature volunteers for the last 3 years.


We can list many signs heralding the arrival of spring: nature turns green; flowers bloom; Butterflies begin to fly, birds begin to sing...


But in our lives squeezed into big concrete cities, most of us cannot catch these signs and miss spring. However, sparrows chirp from the small bushes next to huge buildings or in front of your window, as if they are trying to announce to people that spring is at the door.

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Hiç bir arkadaşınızdan para isteyen bir WhatsApp mesajı aldınız mı? Bu bir dolandırıcılık olabilir. Dolandırıcıların kazanmasına asla izin vermemek için WhatsApp dolandırıcılığı yazımızı okuyun.



Bugün WhatsApp'ın 2 milyar kullanıcısı her gün ortalama 100 milyar mesaj gönderiyor; ve bu mesajların arasında saldırmayı bekleyen dolandırıcılar gizleniyor.


 WhatsApp, savunmasız kullanıcıların çevrimiçi bir dolandırıcılığa kurban gitmesi umuduyla dolandırıcıların çeşitli yollarla dolandırıcılık mesajları dağıtmasının basit bir yolu haline geldi. Platformun bu kadar erişilebilir ve yaygın hale gelmesinin bir sonucu olarak


WhatsApp siber suçları artıyor ve her kurbana ortalama binlerce dolara mal oluyor. Bu makalenin amacı sizi gerçek hayattaki WhatsApp dolandırıcılıkları hakkında bilgilendirmek, dolandırıcılığı fark etmenize yardımcı olmak ve bir dolandırıcı tarafından kandırılmanın bazı yollarını anlatmaktır.


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The ornamentation of objects is an artistic reproduction, usually simplified by figurative forms of the surrounding reality (material, social, spiritual). The ornament expresses a side of the cultural specificity, of the way of conceiving and producing aesthetic values.


In popular creation, where the names of the craftsmen mostly remain unknown, the ornamental motifs have been polished and selected over the centuries and millennia, becoming a treasure and standard of collective creation.


The decor is always organically linked to the function of the objects, the raw material and the technique in which they are worked, varying in relation to the skill and social status of the creator, the historical stage of development of the society, the geographical location and the demographic structure of the population, sometimes ornaments find their expression sacred symbols that are passed down from generation to generation and are related to the ancient symbols of the people. Thus, folk ornamentation presents an ethnographic document of major importance similar to speech, music, folklore serving as a means of communication between generations.

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The Moldovan people have created over the centuries a rich and varied spiritual and material culture, which reflected the thoughts and aspirations of the people, their needs and mentality. Oral folk creation, traditions, customs, crafts, literature, plastic art, music, theater, and from the 20th century and the cinema have registered remarkable successes in their evolution, as evidenced by the valuable artistic works that have entered the heritage of the national culture and universal.

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There are a handful of people in Romania making serious money from blogging.


There are a few of us left to catch an olive, the rest dream of paying at least a small hosting plan from that money, to feel that the site in question has also produced something. Very nice thought, it's good to want something more from your little online project.


I follow daily approx. 100 blogs. I put them in bookmarks , as a retrograde what they are (since I don't use RSS or, avoid the one from above, the email notifications ) on 2 big lists (al, mz - I don't think it needs to be explained).

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Porto Katsiki Beach


When we have a 2-3 week holiday this summer, let's set off from Istanbul by car for a few days and then go on to Thasos and Halkidiki, then continue on the road and visit the Greek islands on the Ionian Sea side (Corfu, Paxos, Antipaxos, Lefkada, Kefalonia, We wanted to visit Zakynthos respectively. You can read my article on detailed route planning for the Ionian Islands here.


After a week spent on the islands of Corfu, Paxos and Antipaxos, we return to the mainland of Greece and set out for Lefkada.

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I returned to Lefkada after another 2 years. Fourth time for me, second time for Antonia. I discovered some restaurants, I made some friends with the locals. 2014, 2019, 2021, 2023.


It seems we arrived faster than last time, about 12 hours or so, but we were lucky not to stay at the border at all. With Schengen it would have been even better. I'm not talking about the highway to Giurgiu and, why not, to Sofia.


The island is more expensive and more "luxurious" than on previous visits. I mean, several 4-5 star resorts have been built, there are all kinds of villas that can be rented for a lot of money.

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The principle of conservation of energy does not prevent uninformed inventors from always proposing perpetual motion machines. These people undoubtedly have counterparts in art, finance, education, and in all areas of human endeavor. They waste no time in making the effort to know the facts before becoming supporters of objectionable opinions.


There are people who first jump to conclusions, only to later distort the facts in accordance with their opinions, which have become irresistible. Robert Andrews Millikan

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