
How to prepare for the first date. (Prepare for the meeting) from Turgut Can's blog

Prepare for the meeting
Before any planned meeting, try to find out useful information about the other person.
See what topics you enjoy talking about, what hobbies you share, and choose a meeting place that suits both of you.


With the great advantage of social networks and the unlimited possibility of communication today, you can try to know as many relevant details about the other person as possible before you meet. In this way, you can prepare better, gain more confidence in yourself and the other person, but also get rid of the emotions of the first time.

If it's a spontaneous meeting with an unknown person or you participate in a speed dating event, then it's easier; Make a list of open questions in your mind and think about what you might be asked in turn. You'd be surprised how much a little preparation can help the conversation.


The more you know about the other person, the more you will increase your chances of having better conversational chemistry and a more enjoyable date.

Set your priorities and expectations clearly
Before each meeting, it's good to determine concretely what you're going for, what expectations you have and what you're willing to offer the other person.


At a meeting where you want to start a relationship, focus on getting to know the person next to you better and their intimate side, to see if your expectations are similar or not. Make your intentions clear and always be honest with yourself and the other person.


If you just want a friendship, make sure the other person agrees with you to avoid potential disappointment. Don't get too personal or talk about the potential of a relationship if you're not interested. Discuss these details clearly and directly before a meeting if possible.

Don't forget to smile and be in a good mood

Although they may seem trivial and obvious details, many people make the mistake of being too serious on a first date. Sometimes the stress of trying to impress the other person can be obvious, affecting your mood and producing a fixed result opposite to the desired one.


That's why being natural, relaxed and smiling had a relaxing effect on both people. It is even known that the smile works like a mirror in most cases, especially when it comes naturally. Conversations will be much more enjoyable and productive when they are consistent with a positive mood!

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