
Lizzy Love Profile

Lizzy Love
Female 41 years old
I want you to know that if you allow yourself to talk to me you will realize that I am a woman full of light and beautiful feelings. With a desire to learn and from the heart with a desire to love. I do not feel perfect but I feel that every day I improve every part of ...

About Me

I want you to know that if you allow yourself to talk to me you will realize that I am a woman full of light and beautiful feelings. With a desire to learn and from the heart with a desire to love. I do not feel perfect but I feel that every day I improve every part of me in this journey called life in which we seek happiness.


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  • Lizzy Love
    I want you to know that if you allow yourself to talk to me you will realize that I am a woman full of light and beautiful feelings. With a desire to learn and from the heart with a desire to love. I do not feel perfect but I feel that every day I improve every part of me in this journey called life in which we seek happiness.
    Jan 31 '2023, 0:32
    0 1
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