
Onur's news

Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) supported the capacity increase and modernization of the local radio, which represents Turkish and Tatar Turks in Romania and operates in the field of promoting Turkish culture and language.

According to the written statement made by TIKA, the Presidency renewed the technical equipment of Radio T, which continues to broadcast in Romania under the Democratic Turkish Union, in order to transmit its broadcasts to the listeners in a better quality, and provided hardware support to the offices in order to make the working environment healthier.


Radio T, which was founded in 2009 with the initiatives of Turkish and Tatar Turks, symbolizes Turkish and Tatar Turks with the letter "T" in its name.

The radio, which was established for the purpose of teaching, using, developing and protecting the Turkish language, also includes Tatar broadcasts and Romanian news.


While the radio contributes to the preservation and promotion of the Turkish language with Turkish language education programs, Turkish culture, customs and traditions throughout Romania with cultural programs, it also conveys the activities of Turkish and Tatar Turks in Romania to its listeners.


The radio, which can be listened to in Constanta province and its surroundings on FM 104.4 frequency, meets its listeners with its 24-hour broadcast over the internet.

Win/Gallup tarafından yapılan bir araştırmaya göre ateist oranının en yüksek olduğu ülke sanılanın aksine Norveç değil, Çin.

Türkiye’deki oran yüzde 4’ün altında. Başka bir araştırma bu oranı yüzde 2 olarak saptamıştı. 

The Independent’ın haberine göre Çin nüfusunda kendilerini ‘ateist’ diye niteleyenlerin oranı yüzde 40 ile yüzde 49.9 arasında değişiyor. Şintoizmin yaygın olduğu Japonya’da ise bu oran yüzde 30 ile 39 arasında değişiyor.

Çek Cumhuriyeti’ndeki ateistlerin oranı da Japonya’yla aynı seviyede. Fransa’daki ateistlerin oranı yüzde 20 ile yüzde 29 arasında değişiyor. 

Fransa’yı yüzde 10 ve yüzde 19 seviyesiyle Avusturalya ve İzlanda takip ediyor. Sanılanın aksine Norveç’teki ateistlerin oranı yüksek değil; yalnızca yüzde 5 ile 9 düzeyinde.

Bu arada gerçek kaynak alta.

Haber Kaynağı burada

Who are the Uyghurs? The Uighurs who have a rich history of over 4000 years are the original inhabitants of East Turkistan or commonly referred to as the ‘Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region”.in China.

In East Turkistan, there are many people killed because of their belief, their religion by China. That country also enforce people who doesnt believe like China! You can't kill people because of their religion, their language and their culture!


Sourse: change.org

Doğu Türkistan Türklerinin "Dutar’ın kralı" olarak bilinen dünyaca ünlü ozanı Abdurehim Heyit, Çin zindanlarında işkence ile katledildi.

Uygur Türklerini toplama kamplarında işkencden geçiren ve ucuz iş gücü olarak kullanan Çin yönetimi cinayetlerine bir yenisini daha ekledi.

Sanatçı Bünyamin Aksungur, sosyal medya hesabından Uygur Türklerinin dünya çapında tanınan halk ozanı Abdurehim Heyit’in tutuklu bulunduğu cezaevinde işkenceyle öldürüldüğünü duyurdu. Aksungur’un paylaşımı şöyle:


"Zalim Çin yönetiminince UÇRAŞKANDA “Karşılaşınca” ve ATALAR adlı şarkısı yüzünden 8 yıl hapse mahkum edilmişti. Kamp dedikleri hapishanede türlü ve ağır işkenceler gördü. Ziyaretine sadece oğlu gidebilmiş ve babasını çok zayıflamış ve bitkin bulduğunu söylemişti. 8 yıl işkence altında yaşayabileceğine inanılmıyordu. Öyle de oldu. 2 yıl dayanabildi. Daha önce de öldüğü/öldürüldüğü yolunda haberler geliyor ancak teyid edilemiyordu.Maalesef bu kez haber doğru!

ABDUREHİM HEYİT milli şehidimizdir.

Allah rahmetiyle mekanını cennet eylesin. Başta Uygur Türkleri olmak üzere, bütün zulüm görenlere yardım eylesin.

Allah, başta zalim Çin yönetimi olmak üzere bütün zalimlerin belâsını versin."


Uygur Şair Tahir Hamut, Nisan 2017’de gözaltına alınan Heyit’in Urumçi’deki Sincan Şarkı ve Dans Topluluğu yetkililerinden duyduğu tutuklanma sürecini şöyle anlatmıştı:

Polis Heyit’i tutuklamadan önce birkaç kez onu evinde ziyaret etmiş. Polis onun okuduğu ve yorumladığı Atı’lar (Ata’lar) adlı şarkıyı niçin bestelediğini ve ne sebeple yorumladığını sormuş. Ayrıca bu şarkının söz yazarının kim olduğu ve niçin yazdığı hakkında da sorgulamış.

Daha sonra bu şarkının sözlerini yazan şair Abdurehim Abdullah da tutuklanmış. Heyit’in yorumladığı şarkının sözlerinde geçen “savaşın şehitleri – jenglerde shehit ” ifadesi hakkında özellikle durdukları ve bu cümle üzerinde çok hassas davrandıkları söyleniyor. Aslında, o şarkının ana mesajı geçtmişte savaşlarda şehit olan atalarımızı ve bu savaşların kurbanlarını hatırlamak ve gençlerin bu günlerde parti yapmalarını (eğlence düzenelemelerini) eleştirmekti. Bu sözlerin aşırılık veya cihad ile bağlantılı olduğu için tutuklandığı yolunda söylentiler var. Çin polisleri “muhtemelen “Ata’lar – atilar” şarkısı ile cihad arasında kendince bir bağ kurmak istemiş.


Abdurehim Heyit’in bestelediği ve yorumladığı şarkıların çoğu Uygurların geçmiş tarihini ve kültürünü yansıtıyor. Heyit bunları çok güçlü bir şekilde yorumlayarak söylüyordu. Özellikle kendisinin aynı zamanda adaşı da olan Uygurların ünlü şair ve yazarı Abdurehim Otkur’un “uchrashqanda- Karşılaşınca ” (When We Met We) gibi şiiri başta diğer bir çok saygın Uygur şairlerinin lirik ve ironik şiirlerini modern Uygur müzik tarzı ile besteleyip yorumluyordu. Bu metin ve şiirleri yorumlayarak Uygurların geçmişini ve tarihini onların gönlünde, hayalinde ve kalbinde canlandırıyordu.

Not everyone using online dating sites is looking for love. Scammers create fake online profiles using photos of other people

— even stolen pictures of real military personnel. They profess their love quickly. And they tug at your heartstrings with made-up stories about how they need money

— for emergencies, hospital bills, or travel. Why all of the tricks? They’re looking to steal your money.

As if all that isn’t bad enough, romance scammers are now involving their victims in online bank fraud. Here’s how it works: The scammers set up dating profiles to meet potential victims. After they form a “relationship,” they come up with reasons to ask their love interest to set up a new bank account. The scammers transfer stolen money into the new account, and then tell their victims to wire the money out of the country. Victims think they’re just helping out their soulmate, never realizing they’re aiding and abetting a crime.

Here are some warning signs that an online love interest might be a fake. They ask you to:

chat off of the dating site immediately, using personal email, text, or phone

wire money using Western Union or Money Gram

set up a new bank account

Did you know you can do an image search of your love interest’s photo in your favorite search engine? If you do an image search and the person’s photo appears under several different names, you’re probably dealing with a scammer. And if the person’s online profile disappears a few days after they meet you, that’s another tip-off.

Here’s the real deal: Don’t send money to someone you met online — for any reason. If your online sweetheart asks for money, you can expect it’s a scam.

Sursa: consumer.ftc.gov

Scam Warning Signs

Cash for"emergencies"

Cashing money orders

Watch out for fake profiles


While most African singles looking for a date online are genuine, it cannot be denied that many online dating scams originate in African nations such as Nigeria, Ghana or Ivory Coast due to the low per capita income, high rates of unemployment, high rates of corruption and ineffective policing in these areas. The money extracted from victims in North America, Europe and Australia translates to huge fortunes for the scammers who are willing to put weeks or months of work into getting a good payout. Both men and women are targets. Many scammers are well educated and all are heartless so read on for common African online dating scams and protect yourself.

The Nigerian/Ghana Emergency Scam

This is the most common scam in online dating. You might be interacting with a man, say, "William Jones" from USA/ UK/ Australia/ Canada or some other Western country. After some time, "William" has to travel to Nigeria or Ghana for some reason e.g. a business trip or to visit his child in a Nigerian boarding school or even a safari. Soon enough there is some sort of "emergency" with either the child suffering from a brain hemorrhage or "William" suffering a life threatening accident. You will then be requested to send a large amount of money for treatment and promises that you will be paid back ASAP. It's a scam, don't send a cent, cease contact and report the scammer. "William" is probably not even based in a Western country and is yet another Nigerian scammer trying to dupe innocent people off their money.

Scammers often use female profiles as well to fool their potential victim. Again, they pretend to be a woman from a Western country while all the while being based in Nigeria. They then solicit you for money for a charity they run in Nigeria or Ghana. In all likelihood there is no charity and you have been robbed off your money by a scammer.

Nigerian 419 Scam

Also known as the advance fee scam this is an oldie but a goody. Supposedly named after a defunct piece of Nigerian Law the 419 scam has been operating in various incarnations for years. The basic idea is that you're contacted by someone who has access to large sums of money and wishes to move them through your bank account. They might say that someone has died leaving millions or they might be a corrupt government official draining federal funds and they want to share this unbelievable fortune with you. All they need is a sum of your money to get things rolling or to cover bank fees. Whatever creative, captivating and greed inducing story you read know this: it's a scam. However much you send, you will never see the money again.

Fake Kidnap Scam

Taking advantage of the "dangerous" perception of Africa, scammers often create elaborate fake kidnap plans. Again, they pretend to be someone from a Western country, visiting Nigeria or Ghana for some reason. They are consequently kidnapped and you will be asked to urgently send them some ransom money to help them get out of the messy situation. Yes, this one definitely pulls on the heart strings because you will obviously want to do something to help but don't fall for it because it is simply a way to play on people's emotions and then scam money from them.

While cases like this are very, very rare, there is another variation of the kidnap scam. It is one of the most alarming of all online dating scam stories is that of Australian man Desmond Gregor who flew to Mali in North Western Africa hoping to meet his online sweetheart. Instead he met twelve men armed with machetes who held him captive, demanding ransom. Gregor was lucky to escape with the help of the Canadian Embassy. This is an extreme case of online dating scamming but should serve as a wake up call to all online daters; do you really know who is on the other end of that email or phone? Of course millions of people have flown across countries and continents to find the loves of their life but it's important to keep personal safety in mind.

Cashing Money Orders

Some scammers claim to be North American, European or Australian citizens working in an African nation such as Ghana, Nigeria or based in Lagos. The story goes that they are paid in money orders but are having trouble cashing them; could you please cash the orders and wire the money to Nigeria? If the victim agrees they will receive money orders that have been bought for a small fee, such as $20, and doctored to read hundreds or thousands of dollars. The victim will cash this order and send the money through an irreversible process such as wiring with Western Union as instructed by the scammer. A few days or weeks later their bank calls, informing the victim the money orders were fraudulent and that they are responsible for the amounts owing. Ouch.

Great Photos, Vague Descriptions = Alarm Bells

You come across a profile of a young, attractive woman on an online dating site or maybe she contacts you. The photos are stunning, perhaps professionally taken or provocative, but the description of what she's looking for in a partner is vague. It could be a scammer, often a man, using photos downloaded from the internet in the hope of sucking in as many victims as possible.

surse: onlinedatingsafetytips

A court in Mississippi has sentenced three Nigerian men to 235 years in prison for running online scams that duped people out of tens of millions of dollars.

Oladimeji Seun Ayelotan, 30, was sentenced to 95 years in prison today, with associates Rasaq Aderoju Raheem, 31, getting 115 years and Femi Alexander Mewase, 45, getting 25 years. A jury found all three guilty of mail fraud, wire fraud, identity theft, credit card fraud and theft of government property.

Ayelotan and Raheem were also found guilty of conspiracies to commit bank fraud and money laundering, which explains their longer sentences. The three were part of a 21-person case bought by US authorities against an accused gang based in Nigeria and the US. Twelve of them have already pleaded guilty.

Based on their testimony, the gang has been operating since 2001 and ran a variety of schemes, including so-called romance scams where the lonely and credulous are persuaded to shell out for plane tickets and medical costs to meet a sweetheart who never shows up.

Such rackets are depressingly successful. Last year a British bean counter was cheated out of $150,000 in just such a romance scam and a British woman lost $1.6m over a ten-month period.

The gang would also use these clueless romantics to shift money from other rackets via Western Union and MoneyGram, or to resend goods bought with stolen credit and debit cards to countries where they could be sold for a profit.

The group was arrested by South African police in a joint operation with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations and the US Postal Inspection Service. More arrests are possible, but they are unlikely to put a dent in the situation for long.

According to the International Police Organization (Interpol), West African scammers pulled in over $3bn in online rackets over the past three years. The international police force said the reason the area is such a hive of online criminality is because of low employment prospects in the region for computer specialists. ®


While most African singles looking for a date online are genuine, it cannot be denied that many online dating scams originate in African nations such as Nigeria, Ghana or Ivory Coast due to the low per capita income, high rates of unemployment, high rates of corruption and ineffective policing in these areas. The money extracted from victims in North America, Europe and Australia translates to huge fortunes for the scammers who are willing to put weeks or months of work into getting a good payout. Both men and women are targets. Many scammers are well educated and all are heartless so read on for common African online dating scams and protect yourself.

The Nigerian/Ghana Emergency Scam

This is the most common scam in online dating. You might be interacting with a man, say, "William Jones" from USA/ UK/ Australia/ Canada or some other Western country. After some time, "William" has to travel to Nigeria or Ghana for some reason e.g. a business trip or to visit his child in a Nigerian boarding school or even a safari. Soon enough there is some sort of "emergency" with either the child suffering from a brain hemorrhage or "William" suffering a life threatening accident. You will then be requested to send a large amount of money for treatment and promises that you will be paid back ASAP. It's a scam, don't send a cent, cease contact and report the scammer. "William" is probably not even based in a Western country and is yet another Nigerian scammer trying to dupe innocent people off their money.

Scammers often use female profiles as well to fool their potential victim. Again, they pretend to be a woman from a Western country while all the while being based in Nigeria. They then solicit you for money for a charity they run in Nigeria or Ghana. In all likelihood there is no charity and you have been robbed off your money by a scammer.

Nigerian 419 Scam

Also known as the advance fee scam this is an oldie but a goody. Supposedly named after a defunct piece of Nigerian Law the 419 scam has been operating in various incarnations for years. The basic idea is that you're contacted by someone who has access to large sums of money and wishes to move them through your bank account. They might say that someone has died leaving millions or they might be a corrupt government official draining federal funds and they want to share this unbelievable fortune with you. All they need is a sum of your money to get things rolling or to cover bank fees. Whatever creative, captivating and greed inducing story you read know this: it's a scam. However much you send, you will never see the money again.

Fake Kidnap Scam

Taking advantage of the "dangerous" perception of Africa, scammers often create elaborate fake kidnap plans. Again, they pretend to be someone from a Western country, visiting Nigeria or Ghana for some reason. They are consequently kidnapped and you will be asked to urgently send them some ransom money to help them get out of the messy situation. Yes, this one definitely pulls on the heart strings because you will obviously want to do something to help but don't fall for it because it is simply a way to play on people's emotions and then scam money from them.

While cases like this are very, very rare, there is another variation of the kidnap scam. It is one of the most alarming of all online dating scam stories is that of Australian man Desmond Gregor who flew to Mali in North Western Africa hoping to meet his online sweetheart. Instead he met twelve men armed with machetes who held him captive, demanding ransom. Gregor was lucky to escape with the help of the Canadian Embassy. This is an extreme case of online dating scamming but should serve as a wake up call to all online daters; do you really know who is on the other end of that email or phone? Of course millions of people have flown across countries and continents to find the loves of their life but it's important to keep personal safety in mind.

Cashing Money Orders

Some scammers claim to be North American, European or Australian citizens working in an African nation such as Ghana, Nigeria or based in Lagos. The story goes that they are paid in money orders but are having trouble cashing them; could you please cash the orders and wire the money to Nigeria? If the victim agrees they will receive money orders that have been bought for a small fee, such as $20, and doctored to read hundreds or thousands of dollars. The victim will cash this order and send the money through an irreversible process such as wiring with Western Union as instructed by the scammer. A few days or weeks later their bank calls, informing the victim the money orders were fraudulent and that they are responsible for the amounts owing. Ouch.

Great Photos, Vague Descriptions = Alarm Bells

You come across a profile of a young, attractive woman on an online dating site or maybe she contacts you. The photos are stunning, perhaps professionally taken or provocative, but the description of what she's looking for in a partner is vague. It could be a scammer, often a man, using photos downloaded from the internet in the hope of sucking in as many victims as possible.

Surse: onlinedatingsafetytips com

Macaristan’da Turancı Jobbik Partisi’nin büyük başarısı… 

Parlamento seçimlerinde 21% oy alarak Macaristan genelinde üçüncü parti çıkan Jobbik’in başkanı Vona GÂBOR Turan’a vurgusu ve Türklük sevdası ile tanınmaktadır.

  “Atilla’nın torunuyuz!”, diyen GÂBOR çoklu miting ve etkinliklerde Türklüğün milli simgesi olan Bozkurt işaretini yapmaktadır. “Biz Türkiye’de TÜRK’lüğe sahip çıkamazken “MACAR” kardeşim gereğni yapmış. tebrik etmek gerekir.

Herkesin (haksız bir şekilde) kullandığı bir ifadedir. ''ANGUT'' Birisi bir salaklık yapıncabir laftan anlamayıncaboş boş bakınca hemen''Angut musun '' der günümüz insanı. Angut' un aslında bir kuş olduğunu bilmeyen çok kişi vardır. 

Angut kuşu eşi öldüğü zaman gözlerini bir an bile eşinin ölüsünden ayırmadan baş ucunda bekler. O anda yanına yırtıcı bir hayvan yada insan gelse yinede gözleri eşinin ölüsüne bakar.. 

İşte bu canlının yaptığı en büyük ANGUT luk budur. Ayrıca bu olay tüm Angut kuşları için geçerlidir. Arada görünen bir şey değildir. Çok ürkek bir hayvan olmalarına rağmen eşinin ölüsünün başında bekleyen Angut kuşuna elinizi dahi uzatsanız kaçmaz. Hani derler ya  ''Angut gibi bakmasana ''.

Keşke herkes Angut gibi bakabilse değer verdiklerine... Göl bataklık ve akarsularda yaşayan ve yaklaşık 8-10 yıl ömrü olan angut kuşu ördek-kaz karışımı bir perde ayaklı su kuşudur.

Bu kuş türü eşi öldükten sonra başka eş kabul etmeden tek başına ömrünün sonuna kadar yaşar.

Sadakat angut kuşunu diğer hayvanlardan ayıran önemli bir özelliktir kelaynakların da angutlar gibi tek eşli olarak yaşar. Ayrıca Angut kuşunun ''Bu yas durumu ömrünün sonuna kadar da devam eder.''

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Schnelle Suche

